PAW/IMD has a long history of providing medical services and supplies.
Providing medical services and supplies for those in need around the world is one of the focuses of the IMD. Several mobile medical clinincs have been established offering wound care, internal medicine, and preventive healthcare education. Volunteer doctors travel and provide their services along with triage nurses and other healthcare professionals. Medical clinics are set up to provide intake, triage, physician evaluation, and prescribed care. This ministry enables people to afford medical care and prescriptions that they would otherwise not be able to afford.
Many diseases are contributed to the lack of clean water. We are committed to water purification systems and wells that increase health and decrease contaminated water born diseases. Wheel chairs, walkers, canes, eye glasses, and first aid kits are also provided.
Recent trips to the Dominican Republic and several parts of Africa demonstrate our commitment to providing health care. We are also in the process of developing several types of prefabricated health clinincs that can be shipped at an affordable price to more countries.